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Launch of the work - Nanotechnology: considerations in materials, health and the environment

Last Friday (01/27/2023) the official launch of the work “Nanotechnology: considerations in materials, health and the environment”, published by Editora Universidade de Brasília and organized by Professors Graziella Joanitti, Ricardo Azevedo and Paulo Morals.

The launch was attended by organizers, authors and pioneering professors in the area of ​​Nanobiotechnology at the University of Brasília. During the ceremony, UnB's history on the subject was recalled and the main topics of each of the chapters were highlighted. The event ended with thanks to the development agencies, Editora UnB and all supporters, family members, students and teachers who were present.

The book's merit is to provide the reader with basic and applied information on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (N&N). He highlights two important aspects of N&N: synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials and applications in health and the environment. The work is organized into 12 chapters written by authors from various institutions including UnB, Embrapa, USP, UFG, Instituto Federal de Goiás, UNESP, Universidade Positivo, UEPG and University of Milano-Bicocca.

According to the organizers, the book does not intend to cover the entire universe of N&N, but it does include relevant topics, organized from fundamentals to applications, offering the reader an introductory framework, which by individual initiatives can deepen in different directions of N&N.

The work also aims to disseminate and popularize the theme in Brazil. It is published in Portuguese and can be widely used for scientific dissemination, undergraduate and graduate courses.

The book, in e-book format, can be accessed for free: E-book

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